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I'm Kamui's little bitxh

A member registered Apr 07, 2020

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Imagine living in a world where furries are aware that sexual scenes involving non/dubious consensual sexual approaches aren't hot at all.

Even if I liked that scene I found the touching part extremely inappropiate too, and I also wish for it to be changed.

This game is awesome so far!

You know what I think would make it a bit more enjoyable? A gallery where you can see all scenes of encounters with mobs you had!

And maybe translations to other languages but that can wait for me, I don't mind playing this game in English even if it isn't my mother language :)

I love this game! The gameplay is quite interesting, the characters are T H I C C and the NSFW scenes are quite creative. The only criticism I could give is that the Times New Roman font feels kinda weird to me, but that is just my opinion. You are doing a really good job!

Poor Hyper. And poor 4th wall tho.

It would be fun to see dialogues breaking the 4th wall more often IMO X3